
My parents, Don and Nina Woolston, for always supporting and encouraging me as an artist.
My husband, Richard Grossman, for all the support and encouragement in my career, which has been a big part of its increased development; for being my publicist when I'm feeling shy; for the color bar idea; for computer/design assistance. 
Karin at the Bean Queen, for renting the upstairs studio to me, and for the inspiration of 'A People Palette', which came from the great atmosphere of this little coffee shop. 
The NEA and the Benton Foundation, for offering the Artists Online program. 
All at Break Away Technologies, for training and hosting this site, particularly Bonnie Wolfe, for being an excellent and encouraging web design trainer. 
Shana Nys Dambrot, for her kind review in Art Commotion. 
My 3rd grade math teacher, for calling my mother to suggest art classes for me rather than reprimanding me for drawing in class instead of doing my math. 
All the people in my life who've encouraged me along the way. 
And, of course, all the people who sat for 'A People Palette', who gave me their time freely, and made this project possible.