parents, Don and Nina Woolston, for always supporting and encouraging
me as an artist. |
My husband,
Richard Grossman, for all the support and encouragement in my career,
which has been a big part of its increased development; for being my publicist
when I'm feeling shy; for the color bar idea; for computer/design assistance. |
at the Bean Queen, for renting the upstairs studio to me, and for the
inspiration of 'A People Palette', which came from the great atmosphere
of this little coffee shop. |
and the Benton Foundation, for offering the Artists Online program. |
at Break Away Technologies, for training and hosting this site, particularly
Bonnie Wolfe, for being an excellent and encouraging web design trainer. |
Shana Nys
Dambrot, for her kind review in Art Commotion. |
3rd grade math teacher, for calling my mother to suggest art
classes for me rather than reprimanding me for drawing in class instead
of doing my math. |
All the
people in my life who've encouraged me along the way. |
of course, all the people who sat for 'A People Palette', who gave me
their time freely, and made this project possible. |